Human Rights First

Howard Nations supports Human Rights First and was an underwriter of this year’s annual awards dinner.

Human Rights First is an independent advocacy organization that challenges our country to live up to its ideals. They press American institutions – including government and business – to respect human rights, seeking to close the gap between values and action. Around the world, they foster American influence to secure core freedoms through the rule of law.

Meredith Vieira served as Mistress of Ceremonies at the event which was held on October 24, 2012 in New York. This year’s Human Rights Award Honoree is Chinese Human Rights Activist, Attorney Chen Guangcheng.  Chen Guangcheng champions the rights of women, the disabled, and the poor in China, and gives courage to all who struggle for human rights.

Posted December 3, 2012
by Andrea Schmauss
The Nations Law Firm

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