Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights

Howard Nations, Ethel Kennedy, Kerry Kennedy
Howard is a member of the Leadership Council of the Center and had the pleasure of having lunch with Ethel Kennedy, Founder of the Center and her daughter, Kerry Kennedy, the President and driving force behind the Center

Howard is a member of the Leadership Council of the Center and had the pleasure of having lunch with Ethel Kennedy, Founder of the Center and her daughter, Kerry Kennedy, the President and driving force behind the Center

“Some men see things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?” – Robert F. Kennedy paraphrasing George Bernard Shaw

To realize his dream of a more just and peaceful world, Robert Kennedy’s family and friends founded a living memorial in 1968. Today, the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights is one of the foremost international human rights organizations.

The RFK CENTER’s core programs focus on the power of the individual, working through alliances and organizations, to generate change. The RFK PARTNERS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS bolster the efficacy of human rights defenders through sustained, strategic partnerships, extending their reach to legislators, diplomats, international institutions, and corporations. RFK SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER educates students and the public about human rights issues and provides the tools for creating change in their communities; RFK COMPASS convenes the financial community to advance a discussion of the connections among investment performance, fiduciary duty, and public interest issues to optimize risk-adjusted rates of returns and address current and future global challenges. Through its offices in Florence, Italy, RFK EUROPE extends its human rights education and advocacy programs across Europe, raising awareness and igniting change.

The RFK CENTER amplifies the work of activists, authors, journalists, and students to a global audience through five annual awards. The RFK HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD recognizes an individual who stands up to oppression at grave personal risk in the nonviolent pursuit of human rights. The RFK BOOK AWARD honors the book that most forcefully reflects Robert Kennedy’s priorities: concern for the poor and the powerless, the struggle for even-handed justice, and a remedy for disparities of power and opportunity. The RFK JOURNALISM AWARDS celebrate excellence in investigative journalism on a wide spectrum of social justice issues. RFK EUROPE established the RFK HIGH SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY JOURNALISM AWARD to recognize the achievements of youth who investigate human rights issues and advocate for change. The RFK RIPPLE OF HOPE AWARD lauds leaders of the international business, entertainment, and activist communities who demonstrate commitment to social change.

Posted December 3, 2012
by Andrea Schmauss
The Nations Law Firm

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